
Public Hearing Regarding Zoning at Southeast Corner of Essington Road & Reagan Boulevard

Tuesday, October 1st


302 N. Chicago St, Joliet, IL


The Public Hearing is regarding the zoning of the property at the southeast corner of Essington Road and Reagan Boulevard. The owners have submitted an application to Will County to rezone a portion of the property from agricultural to industrial. In addition, they are also seeking special use permits to expand the current mining operations on the adjacent property to the south. This falls under the jurisdiction of Will County.


On September 24th, the Village Board passed a resolution formally objecting the zoning change. (PDF Linked Below)  Will County staff is also recommending denial. (Item 7 at the following link: https://willcountyil.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=5553 )


Residents are strongly encouraged to attend in person or email will County Board Members: https://www.willcountyboard.com/board-members.html