Board Actions 12.14.21

Agenda Action by the Village Board:

The Village Board meeting of December 14, 2021 included the following actions.  Please visit the Village website at for the complete Village Board meeting notes that will be posted upon approval before the next regularly scheduled board meeting.  You can also view the replay of the meeting on the Village website by clicking on the following link or on The Village of Bolingbrook Facebook page.


The Bolingbrook High School Madrigals Choir returned in person for their annual visit to share their musical talent by performing a few Holiday Carols at the start of the meeting.



Public Works Director Ken Enda presented the American Public Works Association (APWA) Championship Trophy to Bob Jones and also acknowledged Brian Calderon for their success in the annual competition against other communities.  The Village of Bolingbrook Public Works team has finished first for many years.

Swearing In – Fire Department

The following Fire Department personnel were sworn-in.  These personnel were hired to replace retired personnel.

Firefighter/Paramedic Nicholas Weidner – Badge #7246

Firefighter/Paramedic Kyle Valaris – Badge #7247

Firefighter/Paramedic Matthew Hinchley – Badge #7248


Approval of Bills

Trustees voted to approve bills in the amount of $1,779,697.72. 



Approval of Motion to Accept the 2020-2021 Annual Financial Statement (Audit) Performed by BKD, LLP Technology

Trustees voted to accept the Village’s 2020-2021 audit, which was prepared by BKD.  The audit shows the total assets of the Village, the Village’s General Fund balance, the Operating Income from Bolingbrook Clow Airport before depreciation, and Operating Income before depreciation in the Westside Regional Stormwater Fund (Golf Course, Americana Estates, and Stormwater).


Upon acceptance, the audit will be submitted to the State and placed on the Village website.



Approval of Resolution (21R-082) Approving Proposals from Alliant Insurance Services for Renewal of Insurance and Administrative Contracts

Trustees voted to accept a renewal proposal from Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the Village’s Employee Group Health and Life benefits. The Village is self-insured (SIR) for the first $95,000.00.


The renewal is for calendar year 2022 with this December designated for “open enrollment”.


The Village’s fixed cost increases from $962,166.08 to $1,176,912.64.  The claim liability is expected to decrease from $8,221,973.76 to $7,869,444.48, a 4.3% decrease.


The annual fixed cost of the dental program is $20,500.08 and the expected annual claim liability including the SIR is $396,931.68 which is a 4.2% increase.

Dearborn National and Pay Flex continue to provide Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD & D) and COBRA administration.  The annual estimated premium is $100,115.01 which is the same as the current year.  Total estimated annual cost of employee benefits is $9,543,403.81. 


The Finance Committee reviewed and recommended approval.


Approval of Resolution (21R-083) Approving Purchase from AHW, LLC of an Auto John Deere 1575 Terrain Cut Two Stage Snow Blower

Trustees voted to approve the purchase which replaces a 2003 John Deere 1435 Mower and Snow Blower.  The new vehicle will be an Auto John Deere 1575 Terrain Cut Two Stage Snow Blower.  It will be used by Public Services to clear approximately 60-70 miles of sidewalk, including Route 53 and Boughton Road.


This is a budgeted item with a total cost of $34,908.00 and this includes a credit for trade in of obsolete equipment.


The Public Services and Development Committee reviewed and recommended approval.



Approval of Plan Commission Report 21.20 and Ordinance (21-068) for Approval of a Rezoning from R-1 Single Family Residence to B-2 Community Retail and Plat of Consolidation, Remington Lakes Unit 8, Lot 6, 375 S. Lindsey Lane, Frank Sciackitano, Lindsey Lane Development; Applicant

Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve Rezoning the property from R-1 Single Family Residence to B-2 Community Retail as well as to consolidate both parcels into one parcel, totaling approximately 6.62 acres of land.


The applicant, Frank Sciackitano, Lindsey Lane Development, LLC, owns 5.86 acres at 375 Lindsey Lane and is under contract to purchase approximately 33,000 square feet of adjacent surplus land which is currently owned by Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church, located at 985 Lily Cache Lane.  The Applicant is seeking approval to rezone that portion of said property at 985 Lily Cache Lane, which is approximately .76 acres.


The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended Approval.


Approval of Plan Commission Report 21.21 and Ordinance (21-069) for a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Recreation Facility, Evolve Dance Studio, 231 N. Bolingbrook Drive, Suite D, Malika Kelly; Applicant

Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve a Special Use Permit for a Dance Studio at 231 N. Bolingbrook Drive, Suite D. Per the applicant, the dance studio will provide quality movement-based classes for children ages 2-18 as well as adults 18 and over.


The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended Approval.


Approval of Ordinance (21-070) Ordinance Approving the First Amendment to Lease Agreement Between the Village of Bolingbrook (Lessor) and T-Mobile USA Tower LLC (Lessee)

Trustees voted to approve an agreement allowing T-Mobile USA Tower LLC to sublease a portion of the property it leases from the Village to Dish Network Corporation for installation of Dish Network’s equipment as described in the attachment to the First Amendment.  The Village will receive 37.5% of the rental payments Dish Network pays to T-Mobile USA Tower LLC.


Approval of Ordinance (21-071) Levying Taxes for Corporate Purposes of the Village of Bolingbrook for the Current Fiscal Year Commencing on May 1, 2021 and Ending April 30, 2022

Trustees voted to adopt the Village’s 2021 real estate tax levy collectable in 2022.


The Village is only levying for public safety pensions and debt service.  No money for Village operations or services is included.  The Village’s estimated equalized assessed valuation is expected to increase by 2.5% to $2,432,187,319.00 and the average Bolingbrook home value is $214,938.00.


This years’ levy is expected to increase from $20,626,048.00 to $21,863,623.00 an increase of $1.2 million. The average home will see an increase in the Village portion of the tax bill of $36.46.


Approval of Ordinance (21-072) Abating Taxes Heretofore Levied to Pay Interest and Principal on $57,045,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A of the Village of Bolingbrook, Illinois, for the Tax Levy Year 2021

Trustees voted to abate $1,529,178.00 of the debt service levy for 2021 leaving a levy amount of $514,272.00. The Village is able to abate this amount by fund balance.


Approval of Ordinance (21-073) Abating Taxes Heretofore Levied to Pay Interest and Principal on $35,795,000 Special Service Areas Numbers 2001-1, 2001-2, 2001-3 and 2002-1 Special Taxes Refunding Bonds, Series 2018

Trustees voted to abate $1,404,330.71 of the 2021 Special Service Area (SSA) levy leaving a levy amount of $3,353,025.29.  Special Service Areas were used by several developers in the early 2000’s to finance subdivision improvements.


The SSA’s are not a debt obligation of the Village and the Village’s “full faith and credit” does not guarantee payment of the bonds so this is not considered Village debt.


Approval of Ordinance (21-074) Amending Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code Decreasing Class “D” and Class “D-1” and Increasing Class “D-2” and “D-1” – ALM Bolingbrook LLC D/B/A Aloft Bolingbrook (500 Janes Avenue)

Trustees voted to modify the liquor licenses for the Aloft Hotel.  ALM Bolingbrook, LLC, doing business as Aloft Bolingbrook, has new ownership.  Therefore, the previous owner’s liquor licenses must be rescinded and the new owners must apply for new licenses.


This ordinance decreases the number of D and D-1 and then increases the D-1 and D-2 licenses to reflect the new ownership.