Board Actions 1.26.21

Agenda Action by the Village Board:


The Village Board meeting of January 26, 2021 included the following actions.  Please visit the Village website at for the complete Village Board meeting notes that will be posted upon approval before the next regularly scheduled board meeting.  You can also view the replay of the meeting on the Village website by clicking on the following link or on The Village of Bolingbrook Facebook page.


Several Commissioners were appointed to the following roles and Commissions.  Residents can apply for these Commissions on the Village website to share their skills to serve the Village.

Arts Council Commission

New Appointment – Richard Humphreys

Beautification Commission

New Appointments:

Iva Asenova

Andrea Boyles

Cheryl Mytys Burger

Roy Herman 


Approval of Bills

Trustees voted to approve bills in the amount of $12,871,638.15.  This amount includes a Bond payment of $10,249,484.23, approved by the Village Board in November 2019 and paid on December 30, 2020.



Approval of Resolution (21R-001) Designating Financial Institution Signatories

Trustees voted to authorize adjusting and modifying authorized signatories on various Village bank accounts deleting Carol Penning as Village Clerk and adding Martha “Marti” Barton, Village Clerk, as an authorized signatory and representative of the Village of Bolingbrook.

Approval of Resolution (21R-002) Approving Change Order #2 for Kings Road With Rempe-Sharpe & Associates – Construction Engineering Services  

Trustees voted to approve change order #2 for engineering services from Rempe-Sharpe and Associates for the Kings Road construction project for extra consultant hours due to flood events and weather-related issues, as well as the addition of landscaping to the Southgate Berm at the east side of Kings Road/south of 115th Street. The cost is $54,830.82.  Estimated construction total is $600,000.00 under original bid.

The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.

Approval of Resolution (21R-003) Approving Extension of Contract with Avalon Petroleum Company 

Trustees voted to approve extension of an existing contract with Avalon Petroleum Company for one (1) year through April 30, 2022. Avalon was the low bid in 2018 for deliveries to 299 Canterbury Lane and Bolingbrook Golf Course.  This is a one (1) year contract extended annually which goes out to bid every four (4) years.  The fuel cost is determined by the daily “rack price” as established by OPIS (Oil Price Information Service).  The delivery charge is .011 cents per gallon for diesel and a negative .0011 cents per gallon for unleaded.

Approval of Resolution (21R-004) Approving Replacement of the Return Activated Sludge System from Metropolitan Pump Company for Wastewater Treatment Facility #1 – 151 W. Royce Road 

Trustees voted to approve the replacement of the return activated sludge system by Metropolitan Pump Company.  The existing system at Treatment Facility Plant #1 at 151 W. Royce Road has become unserviceable due to age. The item is $159,778.00 which is $9,778.00 over budget.  However, this was the lowest cost option of the three (3) quotes received for replacement and includes installation.

The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.

Approval of Resolution (21R-005) Approving Purchase of Replacement Chip Truck with Grapple from JX Peterbilt and Dump Body Equipment from Runnion Equipment Company 

Trustees voted to approve purchase of a new truck with grapple and a dump body.  The purchase is from JX Peterbilt through the NJPA Sourcewell contract, for a 2021 Single Axle Model 337 Truck Cab and Chassis ($75,535.11) and a dump body ($120,470.00) from Runnion Equipment at a total cost of $195,535.00.

This is a 2020-2021 fiscal year budgeted item for the scheduled replacement of the 2004 Ford F550 due to age and wear.  The unit is used for brush removal, including storm removal, log removal, beaver dams, and culvert and drain basin cleaning.  The unit will also be used during mutual aid response.

The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.

Approval of Resolution (21R-006) Approving Purchase of a Cues Pearpoint Model C550 LDP Fexitrax Portable Sewer Camera System from EJ Equipment 

Trustees voted to approve the purchase of a portable sewer camera system from EJ Equipment at the lowest quote of the three (3) received. The existing equipment is no longer serviceable due to age.

The cost is $96,177.00, which is $7,348.00 under budget. This is a 2020-2021 capital budgeted item.  The camera will be used to televise sanitary and storm sewer lines and for troubleshooting clogs and inspecting conditions of lines.

The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.



Approval of Plan Commission Report 20.17 Approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances, Daria Property, 2000 W. 135th Street, William C. Graft, Graft & Jordan; Applicant and Ordinance (21-001) Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances for Daria Property Inc – 2000 W. 135th Street (William C. Graft, Graft & Jordan).

Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve the accompanying Ordinance regarding the request of William C. Graft, Graft & Jordan, on behalf of Daria Property, who sought approval for a Special Use Permit for Planned Development with Variances for the 12.33 acre property located at 2000 W. 135th Street to allow existing site conditions and land uses to remain. The Subject Property was part of a Settlement Agreement approved by the Village Board on November 18, 2020.  Pursuant to that agreement, the applicant sought approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with variances, in order to allow existing site conditions to continue for a period of ten (10) years following the Effective Date of the Agreement or one (1) year following the date when the proposed I-55/Route 126 interchange is deemed by IDOT to be open for traffic, whichever date is earlier and Daria Property Inc. is agreeing to comply with the Village’s property maintenance code and remain in compliance with the interim land use plan which includes installation of a ten (10) foot high privacy fence, berm along 135th Street and installation of storm water management facilities on the property.

The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.

Approval of Ordinance (21-002) Approving Final Plat of Subdivision – (Carlow Corporate Center West Phase 1B) Northern Builders, Inc.

Trustees voted to approve a Final Plat of Subdivision for Phase 1B, which subdivides the two (2) lots into three (3) lots.  Northern Builders is the applicant. Carlow Corporate Center West is 55.458 acres, located on the southwest corner of Rodeo Drive and Dalton Road.

The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.

The next several Ordinances came about as part of the annual Liquor License Renewal process.

Approval of Ordinance (21-003) Amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Decreasing Class “C-8” (Beer & Wine) from Four (4) to Three (3) and Class “C-2” (Outdoor) from Five (5) to Four (4) – Oberweis Dairy, Inc D/B/A Woodgrain Neapolitan Pizzeria and That Burger Joint – 860 E. Boughton Rd.

Trustees voted to reduce the number of available Liquor licenses in two categories.  Oberweis Dairy, D/B/A Woodgrain Neapolitan Pizzeria and That Burger Joint, has decided not to renew their liquor license.  This Ordinance reduces the number of Class “C-8” (Beer and Wine) liquor licenses from four (4) to three (3) and the number of Class “C-2” (outdoor dining) liquor licenses from five (5) to four (4) to reflect their decision.

Approval of Ordinance (21-004) Amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Decreasing Class “D-1” (Outdoor) from Twenty-Four (24) to Twenty-Three (23) and Increasing Class “D-1” (Outdoor) from Twenty-Three (23) to Twenty-Four (24) and Decreasing Class “D-4” (Brewery) from One (1) to Zero (0) and Increasing Class “D-4” (Brewery) from Zero (0) to One (1) – Rock Bottom Group, LLC D/B/A Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery – 639 E. Boughton Rd. #100

Trustees voted to reduce and increase the number of Class “D-1” (Outdoor) liquor  licenses from twenty-four (24) to twenty-three (23) and the number of Class “D-4” (Brewery) liquor licenses from one (1) to zero (0) And, increase the number of Class “D-1” liquor licenses from twenty-three (23) to twenty-four (24) and the number of Class “D-4 liquor licenses from zero (0) to one (1).  Rock Bottom, located at 639 E. Boughton Road #100 has changed corporate ownership, which requires the issuance of new liquor licenses.  The new corporate name is Rock Bottom Group, LLC D/B/A Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery.  This action reflects the corporate sale and accommodates the new ownership.

Approval of Ordinance (21-005) Amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Decreasing Class “C-8” (Beer & Wine) from Three (3) to Two (2) E&E BBQ, Inc DBA Dickey’s Barbecue Pit – 1242 W. Boughton Rd.

Trustees voted to reduce the number of available Class “C-8” (Beer and Wine) liquor licenses from three (3) to two (2).  E&E BBQ, Inc., DBA Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, has decided not to renew their liquor license.

Approval of Ordinance (21-006) Amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Decreasing Class “C-8” (Beer & Wine) from Two (2) to One (1) Jinramen, Inc DBA Tanaka Ramen – 623 E. Boughton Rd #105

Trustees voted to reduce the number of available Class “C-8” liquor licenses from two (2) to one (1).  Jinramen, Inc., DBA Tanaka Ramen, located at 623 E. Boughton Rd #105, has decided not to renew their liquor license.