Board Actions 02.25.20

The Village Board meeting of February 25, 2020 began with the presentation of the Spirit of Christmas awards to residents who decorated their homes for the holidays. Other action included approval of a Real Estate contract for Americana Estates, where the Village owns the land. The preliminary Motor Fuel Tax budget was approved. A Special Use Permit was approved for a new business. Several chapters of the Municipal Code were approved.


A Proclamation was presented to Bolingbrook’s St. Baldrick’s organization recognizing the upcoming fundraising effort to battle Cancer for Kids. Their annual fundraising event is being held at the Bolingbrook Golf Club on Sunday, March 15 from 12noon to 5pm. Adults and youth are accepting sponsorships toward the Head Shaving activity and several auction items will be available to bid on during the event.


One resident was appointed to the following roles and Commission. Residents can apply for these Commissions on the Village website to share their skills to serve the Village.  

Bolingbrook Community Television – Kevin Stewart


The Village Board approved payment of bills in the amount of $2,605,900.99.     


The Village Board approved the following Motions:

Ratify and Approve a Real Estate Sales Contract for Four (4) Lots in Americana Estates. The Village has received a contract for lots 102, 103, 116 and 117 in Americana Estates. The offer was $85,000.00 each for lots 102 and 103. The list price was $95,000.00 and the offer is within the negotiations parameters set out in the Ordinance. The Village has never marketed lots 111 – 117 because the adjacent property has not been platted. The offer is $55,000.00 each for lots 116 and 117. The total offer is $280,000.00. The purchaser plans to consolidate the four (4) lots into one (1) lot and build an 8,000+ sq. ft. home.


The Village Board approved the following Resolutions:

Resolution (20R-003) for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by the Village of Bolingbrook Under the Illinois Highway Code with the Illinois Department of Transportation. This Resolution approves the estimated 2020-2021 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) budget for submittal to Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). IDOT requires that an estimated budget be submitted for their review prior to the Village adopting the annual MFT budget.


The proposed budget for the Motor Fuel Tax portion of the overall Village budget is in the amount of $2,699,392.00. This is a 1.8% increase for MFT funds over the 2019-2020 MFT budget.

The MFT budget includes:

  • Snow and Ice Removal                              $ 873,412.00

  • Drainage Maintenance                                 134,050.00

  • Pavement Maintenance                               371,500.00

  • Sign Maintenance                                         156,000.00

  • Electric Maintenance                                    481,830.00

  • Tree Maintenance                                         157,600.00

  • Sidewalk Replacement                                 350,000.00

  • Pavement Markings                                      175,000.00

               Total Proposed MFT budget          $2,699,392.00


This MFT budget amount will be incorporated into the Village’s overall 2020-2021 fiscal budget. There will be a more detailed explanation provided at the Village’s budget workshop.


The Village Board approved several Ordinances and continued discussion on a previously presented Ordinance:

Plan Commission Report 20.01 Recommending Approval of a Special Use Permit (SUP) for a Planned Development, Top Driver, 1715 W. Boughton Road, Paul Zalatoris, Top Driver; Applicant. Ordinance (20-007) Approving Special Use Permit for a Planned Development for Top Driver. The applicant, Paul Zalatoris, is seeking approval of a SUP to allow a driving school in Augusta Plaza at the southeast corner of Kings Road and Boughton Road. The applicant would lease 1,190 sq. ft. in the center.


Automotive and non-sales tax generating businesses are required to obtain a SUP to locate in business zoned districts. The Plan Commission has reviewed and recommends approval.


Ordinance (20-008) Amending Chapter 26 (Fire Regulations) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Bolingbrook. This Ordinance amends Chapter 26 of the Municipal Code. This is a housekeeping measure. The Ordinance adopts the 2018 International Fire Code. The Village is currently operating under the 2006 International Code.


Ordinance (20-009) Amending Chapters 8, 17, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30 and 33 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Bolingbrook. This Ordinance adopts the 2018 International Building Code, 2017 International Electrical Code, the updated Will County Stormwater Ordinance, and updates the local Sign Ordinance. The Ordinance is a housekeeping measure initiated by the staff to update the Municipal Code to reflect changes in the industry and adopt best practices. The Village is currently operating under 2005 and 2006 codes.


Ordinance (19-093) Amending Chapters 2, 13 and 19 of the Municipal Code Regarding Administration of the Executive Department (For Discussion Only). This is the fourth reading of the Ordinance which would convert the Office of the Mayor from a full-time to a part-time position. The change would be effective with the Consolidated Election in April of 2021. The salary for part-time Mayor would be $35,000.00 a year and would include the duties of Alcohol and Tobacco Commissioner. The Trustee and Clerk salaries would remain the same. The Trustee salary would be $16,625.00 and the Clerk salary would be $23,969.00. All salaries would be adjustable annually based on the consumer price index (CPI).


Note: Terms and conditions of office cannot be changed during the current term of office and changes must be approved at least one hundred-eighty days (180) prior to an election.