Board Action 08.14.18
Bolingbrook Village Board Meeting Overview
Tuesday's board meeting began with resident and beautification award winner Karen McDermott, leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
Following several proclamations, the annual Beautification Commission Home Landscape Awards, and a commission appointment, the board transitioned into the business segment of the meeting that presented a relatively light agenda consisting of a "motion to clarify" resolution, two additional resolutions, and an ordinance approval.
- The meeting was led by Deputy Mayor Michael Lawler, as Mayor Roger C. Claar was traveling on business.
1) India's 71st Independence Day
2) Bolingbrook Jubilee
3) Citizens with Disabilities Awareness Week
4) Eid-UI-Adha Celebration Day
5) Pakistan Independence Day
Beautification Commission Homer Landscape Awards:
- Award recipients for June 2018 were presented their plaques
- Winners consisted of long time residents and some that have only been residents for a few years. Some recipients won many times, and for others it was their first time. Congratulations to all the winners and Thank You for your efforts in making Bolingbrook a beautiful community!
- Pictures of the winners are provided as part of this post.
Commission Appointment:
- Laura Tripe was appointed to the Beautification Commission. Congratulations to Laura, and Thank You in advance for your service to our community!
Bill Approval:
1) Bill Listing A - $305,166.51
2) Bill Listing B - $327,109.92
Total = $632,276.43
1) Motion was approved to Clarify Resolution 18R-029 Identifying Various Vendors Used to Equip Squad Cars Purchased Through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative:
At the July 10, 2018 Board Meeting, the Village authorized the purchase (18R-029) of 15 squad cars through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative and 1 pickup truck from Advantage Chevrolet. The full contract amount was $633,510.45 which was $11,420.18 under budget. The earlier Resolution (18R-029) did not breakdown the equipment vendors and installation. The Finance Department has requested clarification.
This Resolution breaks down the purchase as follows:
* Currie Motors (SPC) $394,580.00
* Advantage Chevrolet $42,691.00
* CAMZ (equipment install) $38,800.00
* Fleet Safety (equipment) $73,419.45
* Kustom Signals (video equipment) $84,020.00
Grand Total: $633,510.45
There is no increase in cost.
1) Resolution (18R-037) was approved for the Home Investment Partnerships Program – Consortium Agreement Between Will County and the Village of Bolingbrook:
- The Village has entered into a consortium agreement with the City of Joliet and Will County for the combined administration of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires an update to extend the term of the existing agreement which expires October 31, 2018. Will County Land Use department is the lead agency.
- This Resolution extends the current agreement through federal fiscal years 2019-202.
2) Resolution (18R-038) Approving Payment of National Pollution Discharge Elimination System and Stormwater Permit Fees to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency:
- This Resolution approves the payment of $48,500.00 to the Illinois Department of Environmental Protection for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Sludge Generator and Stormwater Permits. These are annual fees required by the State to license the Village’s three sewage treatment plants and the Village’s stormwater collection/drainage system.
- The amount is $500.00 under the budgeted amount of $49,000.00.
1) Ordinance (18-050) was approved to amend Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Decreasing Class “D-2” (Full Service Liquor) from Eighteen (18) to Seventeen (17) - (Porkchop) 623 E. Boughton Rd #105.
Porkchop restaurant located in the Promenade has closed. This Ordinance decreases the number of Class “D-2” liquor licenses from 18 to 17 to reflect the closing.
Sheldon Watts - Village Trustee