Board Actions 10.27.20
Agenda Action by the Village Board:
The Village Board meeting of October 27, 2020 included the following actions. Please visit the Village website at for the complete Village Board meeting notes that will be posted upon approval before the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
A Proclamation acknowledging “Help the Knights of Columbus Help Citizens with Intellectual Disabilities” Tootsie Roll Drive was presented to Knights of Columbus Council 6521 from St. Dominic and Knights of Columbus Council 11092 from St. Francis in Bolingbrook.
Approval of Bills
Trustees voted to approve bills in the amount of $2,811,903.99.
Approval of Motion to Cancel the Regularly Scheduled November 10th and 24th Board Meetings and to Schedule a Meeting for November 17th
Trustees voted to approve an adjustment to the Board’s meeting schedule due to holidays.
Approval of Motion to Change Starting Time of Village Board Meetings from 8:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Commencing with the Meeting on November 17th
Trustees voted to approve this adjustment to the Board’s meeting to a start time of 7:30 p.m. This adjustment aligns with the Daylight Savings Time change on November 1st.
Approval of Motion to Ratify and Approve a Real Estate Sales Contract for Lot 14 in Americana Estates
Trustees voted to approve the sale of Lot 14 in Americana Estates. This contract has a purchase price of $100,000.00. Mayor Basta previously signed the contract. The Board is concurring with the sale and the closing date is November 10, 2020.
Approval of Motion to Approve FinalBalancing Change Order for Globe Construction for the 2020-2021 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Sidewalk Program
Trustees voted to approve an additional payment of $25,589.50 to the original bid bringing the contract total to $322,764.50. The Village awarded Globe Construction the Village’s 2020-2021 Motor Fuel Tax Sidewalk Program at the May 19, 2020 Board meeting. The original contract was $297,175.00. During the summer additional sidewalks were added to the program.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Motion to Approve Reorganization of Public Services and Development (Wastewater Division)
Trustees voted to approve elimination of the Assistant Director position and replace it with a Foreman and modification of 3 other positions. The total number of Wastewater positions stays at 15 with a net annual saving of $41,000.00. With the passing of one of the Assistant Public Works Directors and in conjunction with labor negotiations, the Village had an opportunity to reorganize and restructure the Wastewater Division.
This reorganization was recommended by the Co-Administrator for Public Services and was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Public Services Committee.
Approval of Motion to Accept the Annual Treasurer’s Report of Receipts and Disbursements for Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Trustees voted to approve accept the Annual Treasurer’s report for fiscal year 2019-2020. Total receipts from all sources including inter-fund transfers were $146,529,641.00. Total expenses from all sources including transfers and capital expenditures were $127,700,567.00. Revenues exceeded expenses by $18,829,074.00. State Statute requires the Annual Report be published and posted upon acceptance. The report will be posted on the Village website and in the local paper.
Approval of Resolution (20R-035) Authorizing Replacement of Retaining Wall at St. Andrews Woods by Hassert Landscaping
Trustees voted to award a contract to Hassert Landscaping to replace a retaining wall at the southeast corner of St. Andrews Drive and IL Route 53. The existing railroad tie wall is 28 years old. It was deteriorating and needed to be replaced. The new wall will be constructed of concrete landscape blocks. The cost is $97,180.00. The budget is $150,000.00.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (20R-036) Approving Purchase of Rock Salt per the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing 2020-2021 Bulk Rock Salt Contract
Trustees voted to approve the Village’s purchase of bulk rock salt for use on Village streets during the winter. The purchase is through the State Joint Purchase Program. The purchase is from Cargill Inc. Salt Division. The cost is $171,318.00 which equates to $40.79 per ton. Last year’s price was $72.13 per ton. Because of the reduced price, the Village cost is $278,682.00 under budget.
Acceptance of Plan Commission Report 20.13 and Approval of the accompanying Ordinance (20-056) Approving of a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Recreation Facility with Extended Hours of Operation, Master Axe, 623 E. Boughton Road, Suite 150, Tom Castignoli, The Promenade Bolingbrook; Applicant
Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve the Ordinance which authorizes a Special Use Permit for a commercial recreation facility with extended hours of operation. Non-sales tax generating businesses are required to obtain a Special Use Permit to locate in business zoned districts. The Master Axe business will operate at 623 E. Boughton Road, Suite 150 at The Promenade with hours of operation Sunday through Thursday until 9:00 p.m. and Friday and Saturday until 11:00 p.m.
The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.
Acceptance of Plan Commission Report 20.14 and Approval of the accompanying Ordinance (20-057) Approving a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Recreation Facility, Hip Hop Fit, 639 E. Boughton Road, Suite 150, Tom Castignoli, The Promenade Bolingbrook; Applicant
Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve the Ordinance for Hip Hop Fit (Dance/Fitness Studio) which will operate a commercial recreation business at 639 E. Boughton Road, Suite 150 in The Promenade. Non-sales tax generating businesses are required to obtain a Special Use Permit to locate in business zoned districts.
The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.
Acceptance of Plan Commission Report 20.15 and Approval of the accompanying Ordinance (20-058) Approving a Special Use Permit for a Religious Institution, Bolingbrook Community Church, 425 Quadrangle Drive, Suite 110, Pastor Calvin Quarles; Applicant
Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve the Ordinance for a Religious Institution. Religious uses are a Special Use in any zoning district. Pastor Calvin Quarles applied for a Special Use Permit to locate “Bolingbrook Community Church” in Suite 110 (1,470 sq. ft.) at 425 Quadrangle Drive. The Church will offer in person services and will also have a video studio.
The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.
Acceptance of Plan Commission Report 20.16 and Approval of the accompanying Ordinance (20-059) Approving a Rezoning from E-R Estate Residence to I-1 Limited Industrial and Special Use Permit for a Planned Development, Montana Charlie’s Little America Flea Market, 255 S. Joliet Road, Paul Lombardo; Applicant
Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve the Ordinance which rezones the ±14.45 acres from E-R Estate Residential to I-1 Limited Industrial, which is consistent with the adjoining land uses. A Special Use Permit was also approved to allow existing site conditions (parking lot, fencing, and setbacks) and land uses (flea market) to continue. Montana Charlie’s was annexed to the Village in August 1991 (Ordinance 91-094). The agreement was amended in December 2010 by Ordinance 10-079 and was set to expire on December 31, 2020. The amended agreement contains a “sunset clause” for the operation of the flea market.
The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Ordinance (20-060) Approving Third Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements and Restrictions for Americana Estates Homeowners Association
Trustees voted to amend the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements, and Restrictions for the HOA by providing that future changes to the document would require that the Village and 50% of the homeowners agree to the change or that 90% of the homeowners agree. The amendment also includes some “clean-up” language based on changes that have occurred since 2004.
The Village created Americana Estates with surplus land from the Westside Regional Stormwater Project. As such, the Village was the developer and drafted the Homeowners Covenants and Declaration. The Village has turned over the Association to the homeowners. They have asked to share in some of the original developers’ rights.
Approval of Ordinance (20-061) Amending Chapter 17-1510.2, 17-1510.6, and 17-1510.7 of the Municipal Code from “Penalty” to “Fee” Pertaining to Administrative Impoundment of Vehicles
Trustees voted to amend Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code to comply with a recent Court ruling which changes the existing “Administrative Penalty” to a “Fee”. The 5th District Appellate Court (2020 IL App (5th) 190466) determined that certain charges incurred in connection with the impoundment of vehicles were not classified properly.