Board Actions 1.10.23
Agenda Action by the Village Board:
The Village Board meeting of January 10, 2023 included the following actions. Please visit the Village website at for the complete Village Board meeting notes that will be posted upon approval before the next regularly scheduled board meeting. You can also view the replay of the meeting on the Village website by clicking on the following link or on The Village of Bolingbrook Facebook page.
Commission Appointments / Reappointments
The following residents were approved for appointment or reappointment on the Commissions and positions shown below:
Beautification Commission
New Appointments – Jill Olson, Maria Velasquez-Gloeckle – Commissioner
Fire and Police Board
New Appointments – Reymundo Aguayo – Commissioner; Sandra Baldassano – Secretary
Swearing-In Only – Kevin Johnson – Commissioner, reappointed at Village Board Meeting of October 11, 2022
Historic Preservation Commission
New Appointment – Edward Bouley – Commissioner
Public Hearing
Public Hearing Regarding First Amendment to Annexation Agreement - Pulte Property (Sawgrass Townes) – 11349 S. Naper/Plainfield Road. Trustees voted to open the Public Hearing. No public comment was made regarding the topic. Trustees voted to close the Public Hearing.
Motion for Appointment
The following people were approved for appointment to positions with the Village of Bolingbrook:
Matt Eastman – Director of Community Development
Andres Orrego – Director of Public Works
Approval of Bills
Trustees voted to approve bills in the amount of $3,148,523.89.
Consent Agenda
Trustees voted to approve the following Consent Agenda items in a recently introduced agenda action, used by other governmental agencies but new to the Village Board, which bundles several agenda items into one group to be voted on by the Trustees. The Consent Agenda includes a Motion for approval to Accept Plan Commission report and a Motion to approve an Ordinance to reduce the inventory of Class “C-7” Liquor Licenses. The associated Ordinance for the Plan Commission report was voted on later in the meeting.
The Plan Commission report includes the following:
PC 22.23 Acceptance of Plan Commission Report Regarding Rezoning from B-3 to I-1 and I-1 to B-3 and an Amendment to a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances and Final Plat of Subdivision, Drew Enterprises/Prologis, 553 E. South Frontage Road and 254 Internationale Boulevard, Paul Lombardo, Drew Enterprises and Melissa Ramon, Prologis; Applicant
The Ordinance includes the following:
Ordinance (23-003) Amending Chapter 6 of the Bolingbrook Village Code Decreasing Class “C-7” (Farmer’s Market) from One (1) to Zero (0) August Hill Winery – 631 E. Boughton Rd
Approval of Resolution (23R-001) Authorizing the Purchase of Key Secure Boxes from Knox Company (Fire Department)
Trustees voted to approve the agreement. The Fire Department needs new key boxes as the current boxes in vehicles are obsolete, parts are unavailable for repairs, and each box needs to be “touched” to update. Now the boxes will be updated through WiFi. The annual cloud fee will be added to the budget moving forward. A total of 22 vehicles will be fitted for the boxes, 17 front line vehicles and 5 staff vehicles.
The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (23R-002) Approving License Agreement Between the Village and Rachel Smith (Langford Drive)
Trustees voted to approve the agreement. The resident at 420 Langford Drive is replacing their fence which currently is on a portion of the Village’s lot. The encroachment has been there for many years and does not affect the sidewalk or roadway. This agreement permits the licensee’s fence to encroach on the Village’s land, allowing it to remain and the replacement fence to be constructed on Village property. The Agreement is for twenty-five years but may be terminated by either party with 120-day notice. The homeowner also agrees to maintain the property and add the Village as an additional insured on their homeowners’ insurance policy.
Approval of Resolution (23R-003) Approving Purchase of 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe from Advantage Chevrolet (Police Department)
Trustees voted to approve this purchase. Last month the Village authorized the purchase of a Ford or Chevy Silverado truck for the police department. Therefore, this Resolution repeals (22R-093) passed last month and authorizes the purchase of this new vehicle instead. The current market for vehicles is in high demand. Recent updates include the manufacturers having cancelled all public safety orders and these orders must be resubmitted for any consideration. Therefore, the Village is at the mercy of the vendor stock. However, Advantage Chevrolet has a 2023 Tahoe that would fit the department’s needs. The total cost will still be $77,000. The equipment will be from Fleet Safety of Naperville ($15,000), the installer will be CAMZ Communications ($4,295), and the exterior decals are by Modagraphics, Wheeling IL ($2,000). The old vehicle will be repurposed for other use after repairs are made.
Approval of Resolution (23R-004) Approving the Purchase of Vinyl Flooring from High Quality Flooring for Community Center (201 Canterbury Lane, Suite A)
Trustees voted to approve this agreement. The carpet in the community center is worn and in need of replacement. The lowest proposal was from High Quality Flooring which is a local vendor. The new flooring will be vinyl and will be much easier to clean and maintain. The total cost is $48,375.00.
The Public Services and Development Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Ordinance (23-001) Approving an Amendment to the Annexation Agreement Between the Village of Bolingbrook and Donna L. Maly as Trustee of the Walter P. Boughton Trust Under Declaration of Trust Dated January 18, 1991, and Boughton Materials, Inc (“Owners”) and Pulte Home Company, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Company (“Developer”) for Sawgrass Townes
Trustees voted to approve the Ordinance. This is the first amendment to the Annexation Agreement. It is necessary to amend the agreement in order to grant an extension of the 240-day time period within which the Developer must obtain fee simple title to the property which is the subject of the Annexation Agreement. The need for the additional time is in order for the owners and the developer to obtain approval from the Illinois Commerce Commission to allow Illinois American Water Company the right to provided water service.
Approval of Ordinance (23-002) Approving Rezoning and an Amendment to a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances and a Final Plat of Subdivision (Drew Enterprises/Prologis - 553 E. South Frontage Road and 254 Internationale Blvd.
Trustees voted to approve this Ordinance. The applicant is seeking to rezone and subdivide the property as part of a land swap between these two neighboring property owners. The zoning for one lot will go from B-3 to I-1 and the other lot will go from I-1 to B-3. The rezoning will be conditioned upon the final plat of subdivision being approved.