Board Actions 11.16.21
Agenda Action by the Village Board:
The Village Board meeting of November 16, 2021 included the following actions. Please visit the Village website at for the complete Village Board meeting notes that will be posted upon approval before the next regularly scheduled board meeting. You can also view the replay of the meeting on the Village website by clicking on the following link or on The Village of Bolingbrook Facebook page.
Commission Appointments/Reappointments
Commissioners were appointed to the following roles and Commissions. Residents can apply for Commissions on the Village website to share their skills to serve the Village.
Civic and Cultural Commission
Appointment – Commissioner – Dorene Deatrick
Appointment – Commissioner – Roy Herman
Appointment – Commissioner – Tammy Plata
Approval of Bills
Trustees voted to approve bills in the amount of $2,896,245.99.
Approval of Motion to approve the Lowest Bid for Contractual Services to Hydro Vision Technology
Trustees voted to approve the lowest bid for the sanitary sewer cleaning and televising project Phase 1. It is part of a five year program to find and repair leaks and it also includes smoke testing, engineering and repairs. The location includes neighbors in the vicinity of Janes Avenue and Rockhurst Road and in the vicinity of Falconridge Way and Camelot Way.
The proposal was awarded to the lowest bidder of six received and is in the amount of $99,398.01.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-077) Approving Proposal/Request for Purchase of Wireless Fire Alarm Radio Boxes from Johnson Controls Security Solutions
Trustees voted to approve the purchase of Fire Alarm Equipment. The Village’s current supply of wireless fire alarm boxes is close to being depleted. Twenty more boxes are being purchased to install in newly constructed buildings. The cost is recaptured by invoicing building managers per Village ordinance.
The total cost is $23,000.00
The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-078) Accepting Proposal for Moving Microwave Critical Infrastructure to Fire Station #3 (Xtivity Solutions, LLC)
Trustees voted to approve the proposal from Xtivity Solutions LLC, to move the microwave system critical infrastructure from the Illinois American Water tower located behind Fire Station #3 to the basement of Fire Station #3. The equipment suffered water damage in August of 2020 and moving it will prevent further damage.
The proposal submitted by Xtivity Solutions is to directionally bore underground and move the equipment. They are a sole source provider as they monitor and maintain the system. The total cost is $32,423.00.
The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-079) Approving Purchase of Rock Salt Per the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing 2021-2022 Bulk Rock Salt Contract
Trustees voted to approve the purchase of of 4,200 tons of rock salt at $50.58 per ton, an increase from last year’s price which was $40.79 per ton. The Village saves on cost by participating in a joint purchase with the State and surrounding communities.
The supplier is Compass Minerals American Inc. and the total cost is $212,436.00 and will be from Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-080) Approving Proposal for Renewal of Workers’ Compensation Insurance With Illinois Counties Rick Management Trust (ICRMT)
Trustees voted to approve the renewal of the Village’s Workman’s Compensation Policy with Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust (ICMRT). The Village is self-insured for the first $200,000.00 of each claim after which the ICRMT “umbrella” kicks in.
This years’ total cost is estimated at $2,209,704.37. The fixed premium is $1,020,320.00, an increase of $1,479.00 from last year. Alliant, the Village’s Broker of Record, worked with staff on the proposal.
The Finance Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-081) Approving the Purchase of Municipal Enforcement Software from OpenGov (Year 2 and 3)
Trustees voted to approve the previously authorized contract with OpenGov last year for one year. Prior Resolution 20R-034 from 10.13.20 did not include years two and three.
This Resolution approves payment of year two and three of the contract with the cost not to exceed $$55,000.00 per year. The software is used to process online permits and licensing for residents and businesses.
The Finance Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Ordinance (21-064) Amending Chapter 6 “Alcoholic Beverages”, Article II “Retail Liquor Dealer License” (Change of Partners and Corporate Officers)
Trustees voted to amend the existing ordinance due to the State of Illinois requirement that corporate officers with 5% or more interest in an applicant’s business to provide certain information, submit a background check, etc. in a liquor license application. When these officers are changed, the State requires a letter from the Village authorizing this change.
This Ordinance codifies the requirement of an application for the change and a requisite fee to be paid for the Village’s review, background check, preparation of State letter, etc. that is needed to be done to process this request. The fee is $300.00.
Approval of Ordinance (21-065) Amending Fees, Charges, and Other Regulatory Measures (Fee Schedule)
Trustees voted to approve an update to the Municipal Code. Some sections had not been changed since 1996. Staff reviewed all fees within their departments, contacted neighboring municipalities for comparisons, and made recommendations for selective increases. Fees that were increased align with the current contractual rate for labor costs if applicable.
The new fee schedule if passed, will take effect January 1, 2022. Staff will be posting prominent notices within each department advertising the changes.
This was Reviewed and Discussed by Public Services Committee and Public Safety Committee.
Approval of Ordinance (21-066) Adopting Amendments to the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the Village of Bolingbrook
Trustees voted to amend the Rules and Regulations of the Village of Bolingbrook Fire and Police Board by eliminating provisions no longer applicable and adding provisions to reflect current procedures followed by the Board with respect to examinations for police department candidates, instituting the lateral hiring process in the police department and promotions of police officers. Changes were made to the police department section article one, two, three and four.
Approval of Ordinance (21-067) Establishing the Investment Policy for the Village of Bolingbrook Retired Police Officers Health Insurance Premium Fund (The “Fund”)
Trustees voted to establish a new Investment Policy for the Village. Pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement with MAP #’s 3 and 4, this Ordinance adopts the Village of Bolingbrook Investment Policy as the Investment Policy for the Bolingbrook Retired Police Officers Health Insurance Fund (The “Fund”).
This will allow the “Fund” to invest in the same types of investments as the Village.