Board Actions 10.26.21
Agenda Action by the Village Board:
The Village Board meeting of October 26, 2021 included the following actions. Please visit the Village website at for the complete Village Board meeting notes that will be posted upon approval before the next regularly scheduled board meeting. You can also view the replay of the meeting on the Village website by clicking on the following link or on The Village of Bolingbrook Facebook page.
Disability Employment Awareness Month – Village residents Allaina Humphreys and Norman Brown accepted the proclamation highlighting the value of considering people with disabilities for employment in a wide variety of roles.
Operation Christmas – Lee Bush Jr., who heads up the organization, gave an update on this year’s operations including how families can register and people can volunteer with the organization. He also provided information on the fundraiser at Tailgaters on Saturday, November 13.
Information Technology Commission Scavenger Hunt Winners – Jerry Gynac, Chair of the IT Commission, announced the winners of the Scavenger Hunt which was shared with the community at the Annual Parade.
Acknowledgement – Fire Department
Three of the Battalion Chiefs, who recently retired, were honored for their years of service to the Village
Battalion Chief Ronald Banda
Battalion Chief Todd Nemeth
Battalion Chief Daniel Ross
Swearing In – Fire Department
Due to the retirements of the Battalion Chiefs, the following Fire Department personnel were promoted.
Lieutenant Christopher Brophy to Battalion Chief
Lieutenant Edgar Hughes to Battalion Chief
Lieutenant Christopher Jostes to Battalion Chief
Firefighter/Paramedic Daniel Kerkstra to Lieutenant
Firefighter/Paramedic Ryan Klavohn to Lieutenant
Firefighter Juan Gomez to Lieutenant
Swearing In – Police Department
Due to COVID-19, several Police Department personnel were promoted in private ceremonies without family in attendance. The following personnel were sworn in with family and friends present.
Deputy Chief Michael Rompa to Chief
Lieutenant Kristen Swienton to Commander
Lieutenant Anthony Columbus to Captain
Sergeant Sean Koren to Lieutenant
Sergeant Kristofer Schrubbe to Lieutenant
Sergeant Thomas Gallas to Lieutenant
Officer Jamie Marquez to Sergeant
Officer Christopher Georgeff to Sergeant
Officer Michael Harvey to Sergeant
Officer Joseph Hilbruner to Sergeant
Officer Dane Stephien to Sergeant
Officer Traneil Thomas to Sergeant
Officer Steven Ficek to Sergeant
Approval of Bills
Trustees voted to approve bills in the amount of $2,572,509.03.
Approval of Motion to accept the Lowest Bid from Adler Roofing and Sheet Metal for Replacement Roofing at Treatment Plants
Trustees voted to approve the lowest bid for replacement of the roofing at three locations. The roofing is original and needed to be replaced because they are leaking and causing additional damage to the buildings, which is a potentially hazardous situation. Therefore, the Village is replacing roof treatment plant #1 raw screen building, roof treatment plant #1 thickener building, and roof treatment plant #2 administrative building.
This is a budgeted capital purchase in a total amount not to exceed $116,900.00.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Motion to Approve Final Balancing Change Order for Globe Construction for the 2021-2022 MFT Sidewalk Program
Trustees voted to approve the final change order for the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) sidewalk program. This is for additional sidewalks that were called in or added to the list by Village staff. The original contract was for $292,180.00 and the final contract invoice was $324,598.50. Therefore, the total amount of the change order is $32,418.50.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Motion to Accept the Annual Treasurer’s Report of Receipts and Disbursements for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Trustees voted to accept the Annual Treasurer’s report for fiscal 2020-2021. Total receipts from all sources, including inter-fund transfers, were $188,584,537.00. Total expenses from all sources, including transfers and capital expenditures, were $150,967,760.00. Revenues exceeded expenses by $37,616,777.00.
Upon acceptance, the report will be posted on the Village website and in the local paper.
Approval of Resolution (21R-073) Approving a Right of Way License Agreement with Knead Dough Baking Company, Inc.
Trustees voted to grant Turano a license to possess, use, improve, and maintain a certain portion of St. James Gate for use as a parking lot, subject to various conditions contained in the Right of Way License Agreement including but not limited to, sole use of property is as a parking lot. Turano shall secure insurance for the licensed property. Turano shall be responsible for all maintenance, etc.
Knead, doing business as Turano Baking Company, is requesting to use a portion of Saint James Gate, a public right of way owned by the Village, for its parking facility.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-074) Approving Proposal from Green Star Movement for Design and Construction Services Regarding Mosaic Entryway on the Tunnel Below Village Hall
Trustees voted to approve the proposal from Green Star Movement, who is going to design and construct a mosaic entryway on the walls entering the tunnel below Village hall. The Arts Council Commission is seeking approval of an amount not to exceed $30,000.00. Green Star Movement will provide alternative designs that will not exceed $45,000.00. Therefore, if the alternative designs are greater than $30,000.00 then it will come back to the Village Board for approval. Also, the Art Council Commission received a $10,000.00 grant to offset costs. Finally, the residents will have a chance to participate in construction through “Community Day”.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-075) Approving Purchase of Seven (7) Ford Interceptor Utility Hybrid Vehicles Through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Contract #152 for Patrol Units
Trustees voted to approve the purchase of new vehicles to replace seven vehicles within the patrol fleet that are high in mileage, over 5 years old, out of warranty, and have become a burden on Public Works due to continuous and costly repairs. The vehicles will be fully equipped and are efficient and environmentally conscious vehicles. The cost includes equipment and installation. This is a budgeted item and the total cost is $350,482.33.00.
The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-076) Approving Purchase of Two (2) Ford Interceptor Utility Hybrid Vehicles Through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Contract #152 for K9 Units
Trustees voted to approve the purchase of new vehicles, which will be fully equipped and dedicated to the K9 Unit and are efficient and environmentally conscious vehicles. The cost includes equipment and installation and will be paid for out of the Illinois State Forfeited Funds account. This is a budgeted item and the total cost is $77,732.00. It is slightly over budged for added rear air conditioning feature for the K9s ($610.00 per vehicle).
The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Plan Commission Report 21.19 and Ordinance (21-060) for a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Recreation Facility, Champion Jiu Jitsu, 501 S. Weber Road, Unit 112, Julianne Harvad, Spider Gym and MMA, Inc.; Applicant
Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve a Special Use Permit for a martial arts studio providing instruction for a variety of self-defense classes including Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing. It will be located in Weber Plaza and the hours of operation will be Monday through Friday 9am-5pm for private and semi-private lessons and 5pm -9pm for group lessons. Saturday they will be open from 9am-2pm and closed on Sunday.
The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended Approval.
Approval of Ordinance (21-061) Amending Section 50-1 of the Bolingbrook Village Code to Adopt the Child Passenger Protection Act
Trustees voted to approve an update to the previously adopted Illinois Vehicle Code, such that certain provisions can be handled as Ordinance violations. This Ordinance adopts the Child Passenger Protection Act such that child safety restraint violations can also be handled as Ordinance violations.
The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended Approval.
Approval of Ordinance (21-062) Accepting Sanitary Sewer System of the Bella Vista Subdivision
Trustees voted to accept the Sanitary Sewer System. The Bella Vista Subdivision is nearly complete and it is time to turn over the ownership and maintenance of the sanitary system responsibility to the Village. The Sanitary Sewer system serves the entire subdivision and the IEPA regulations require that the Village own and maintain the main line. The rest of the public improvements are owned by the Homeowner’s Association.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended Approval.
Approval of Ordinance (21-063) Authorizing Northern Illinois Gas Company (d/b/a NiCor Gas Company) Its Successors and Assigns, to Construct, Operate and Maintain a Gas Distributing System in and Through the Village of Bolingbrook, Illinois
Trustees voted to approve the Gas Ordinance, which provides NiCor with the right to construct their system under, along and across Village streets, alleys and other public places in the Village. NiCor’s construction and maintenance of its system is subject to the supervision of the Village. In addition, the Village also has an agreement with NiCor which requires NiCor to provide a certain amount of gas service to municipal buildings without charge. Currently the Village is getting 103,366 therms annually based on the last census population of 73,366. The agreement contains provisions for increased free services with increases in population.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.